c.1960 Nishimura, "Rescue 8" Emergency Truck in Original Box

c.1960 Nishimura,

Wonderful multicolored tin litho friction vehicle complete with original box. Beautifully colored in red, white, blue, yellow, and black with chrome trim and solid rubber tires.

Large number "8" in a red circle on the hood and trailer roof indicates the number of emergency workers inside the truck (four in the main trailer, two in the rear trailer, plus the driver and passenger shown on the box). 

Lavishly illustrated litho includes all sorts of emergency gear; climbing rope, shovels, axes, oxygen, and underground searchlight. Hood, cab interior, trailer roof and trailer sides are all embossed. Undercarriage is all black litho, however the underside of the trailer is chrome which I haven't seen before. Rear door hinges open and and close.

Full color illustrated box shows Rescue vehicle speeding to the.....rescue! 

Also one of the few toys I've found manufactured by this Japanese company.

Size: 9½" long and 3¾" tall.

Sold: Mar. 2005

Price Sold: $ 92


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